3 Months FREE – Annual Multi-Trip RENEWALS – 13052020

by | 13/05/20 | COVID-19, SunWorld, Travel Insurance


Due to the continued impact of Covid-19 Coronavirus on the UK and Global Travel Industry SunWorld are providing 3 months FREE cover on all Annual Multi-trip RENEWALS with effect from the 13th May 2020.

Renewal policies only:

  • Annual Multi-trip policies will automatically extend the Expiry date of the new renewal policy by 3 months making the policy term increase from 12 months to 15 months.


Your current policy is due for renewal 01/06/2020, your policy gets renewed with an expiry date 01/09/2020.

Why is it important to Renew your Annual Multi-trip policy?

If your policy is renewed, cancellation cover continues including cover for Covid-19 (Coronavirus) for any pre-booked holidays/trips made prior to 11/03/2020 (this date is when WHO classified Covid-19 as a pandemic), all other trips booked after this date are covered as usual but excluding cancellation for Coronavirus.

Subject to

  • No break in cover.
  • No claims renewal discount automatically applied

If you have any questions please contact B.P Insurance Brokers.