by | 3/04/20 | COVID-19, Latest News, Motor Insurance


SORN Vehicles

Policyholders that declare their vehicle(s) as SORN may request cover to be reduced to Laid up Accidental Damage, Fire & Theft or Laid up Fire & Theft. Alternatively, you may look to remove the vehicle from the policy entirety.

When a vehicle is declared SORN it cannot be parked or driven on the road – as defined within the Road Traffic Acts – see here.

The vehicle is also removed from Motor Insurance Database.

The ‘Laid-Up’ cover should not exceed the existing vehicle damage cover, e.g. if the vehicle is currently Third Party Only, then the vehicle should just be removed.

You will be asked to provide a copy of the SORN declaration when asking to reduce the cover.

Please note NIG are unable to reduce cover on the Mini Fleet product.

Local Community Assistance

Use of an insured vehicle to deliver groceries and medicines to vulnerable people is acceptable and does not need to be referred to NIG.  As would transporting vulnerable people to shops or medical appointments.

Cover is not provided if the Policyholder is being paid a fee (other than expenses) for the work, as this is hire & reward, which is excluded on the certificate.

NHS Volunteer Responder Service

ABI guidelines were recently issued in relation to the new NHS volunteers – see here.

In line with this statement, NIG’s policies will cover all authorised drivers without the need for referral.

Amendments to Business Activities

NIG understand that some businesses may need to alter their activities, perhaps providing deliveries of their products or producing alternative products. This will be acceptable subject to:

  • the activities are covered by the current motor certificate;
  • the additional activity does not include the carriage of explosives; and
  • the additional activity does not include the carriage of fuel or gases.

If any of the above bullet points apply, then the additional work will need to be referred to ensure the cover can and is being applied.

Having to Travel with Children

NIG’s certificates do not exclude employees driving for business use with family members, including children, being present.  This does not need to be referred.

Unable To MOT Your Vehicle

The Government has made a series of concessions relating to the MOT of all types of vehicle.  If a Policyholder’s vehicle is unable to have its MOT renewed and that vehicle is covered by the Government’s exemptions and extended MOT periods, coverage will not be affected.

Within the Government communications – see here – they point out that all vehicles must be roadworthy if they are to continue being used.  This reflects NIG’s policy wording. If a vehicle is in an unroadworthy condition, cover may not apply.

See here for further Government advice on keeping vehicles in a roadworthy condition.